Get in touch with us if you are looking at purchasing or renting a used Guzheng, or selling your used Guzheng in London. We aim to provide a platform for Guzheng lovers in the UK to help one another to find/transfer their Guzhengs to spread the love. 如果您目前想在伦敦购买,转让或租赁一台二手古筝,欢迎联系我们。青嫣古筝居希望能在各位的筝旅途中,助大家一臂之力。
If you are looking to purchase a brand-new guzheng, you can click the button below to get into our Guzheng shop for more information on a wide range of available guzheng models from various top Guzheng makers. 若您想要购买全新古筝,请点击下方按钮进入,进入我们刚上线的“古筝世界”网店页面,了解详情。